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The undergraduate curriculum focuses on the areas of Language, Linguistics, Literature, Culture, and History of Italy, as well as on the cultural interactions between Italy and Greece.

The Italian language courses are offered to students during all semesters of study and are a prerequisite for their educational development. The linguistics courses of the Department are designed to familiarize students with the basic theoretical and methodological principles of linguistic science. They cover a wide range of areas of both theoretical and applied linguistics and they provide updated knowledge on the latest trends in theoretical linguistic analysis and language teaching. Particular reference should be made to our department’s courses that combine linguistics and new technologies, offering advanced knowledge and laboratory hands on experience in rapidly-evolving interdisciplinary fields. 

The courses of Italian Literature primarily aim at teaching the main genres, literature currents and writers from the Middle Ages until today. Moreover, their target is to highlight the possibility of multiple scientific approaches within the field of Literature as well as the deeper study of literary trends on the research and teaching of Literature and Comparative Literature. 
Particular emphasis is given on the literary interactions between Greece and Italy. Students learn the basic principles of narratology and they exercise in textual analysis and in the use of literature. Students are also taught the principles of scientific discourse.

Courses focus on: 
a) The History and Civilization of Italy (Italian History and Civilization I-III).
b) The common history of Greeks and Italians during the long Venetian dominion in Greece (History of the Venetian State, Introduction to Paleography).
c) Italian Theatre (Introduction to Theatre, History of Italian Theatre).
d) Italian Art (Special Topics on Italian Culture).
e) Italian Music (History of Italian Music I and II, Italian Music of the Renaissance, Italian Opera).

Through these courses students are introduced to the general cultural framework within which Italian language and literature developed. 
The research fields of History, Literature, and Civilization are further cultivated through our Postgraduate Program “Greek-Italian Studies: History, Literature, Classical Tradition”.